⬝ Papa Rudin Chapter 4
⤷jarsp (2022-11-25)
Notes on Chapter 4 (Elementary Hilbert Space Theory) of Walter Rudin's Real and Complex Analysis. I'm also gonna try to style these a bit more nicely!
Notes on Chapter 4 (Elementary Hilbert Space Theory) of Walter Rudin's Real and Complex Analysis. I'm also gonna try to style these a bit more nicely!
I recently participated in Flare-On 9, finishing 131st in about ten days, though I started around two days late. It was my second time participating and overall it was fun, though definitely easier than the first time around. Before I forget entirely, I'm going to pen down some thoughts for myself :3
Notes on Chapter 3 (\(L^p\)-spaces) of Walter Rudin's Real and Complex Analysis.
Notes on Chapter 2 (Positive Borel Measures) of Walter Rudin's Real and Complex Analysis.
I'll be reading through Walter Rudin's Real and Complex Analysis (slowly) and keeping some short notes. This also serves as an excuse for me to test out KaTeX :) I'll either continually extend this page, or make a new post for each chapter, we shall see. Regardless, they will probably be brief and meant more of as a reminder of what it is in each chapter, but perhaps they may still be useful to someone!
Hello, and welcome! I enjoy music, computers and math so maybe expect to see some combination of those here in due time!
This site is built using the Zola static site generator, but I've not made a website in quite a while so forgive me for any poor design decisions :3. This site is not particularly well laid-out for mobile, but hopefully that'll eventually change at some point as I incrementally update it.